A Market Management company.
Great promotion deserves great execution.​
office 314-899-5000
mobile 561-305-6949

Street Team Marketing

Customer acquisition and brand awareness at Chicago's largest outdoor Festival. Over 15 promoters needed to staff 10 day event for American Express promotion in conjunction with Delta Airlines programming.

A definite eye catcher. Great add on for events. Customers always leave with a smile after a picture with the mascot. Whatever the occasion we will come up with the solution.

Street Team Marketing
"Live, Face to Face Promotion" creates an interactive experience that moves emotion and promotes trial...all adding to the total life time value of your brand.
Who We Are...​
​PromoStaffers is a boutique field promotions company specializing in the strategic planning, management and execution of regional field marketing campaigns and special event promotion for small business and Fortune 500 advertiser agencies.
With great leadership and over thirty years of industry experience affords PromoStaffers has the deep rooted "know-how" and resources required to assist your firm in all areas of Field Marketing management and execution.​

What We Do...
​​​PromoStaffers ​has built a unique reputation as a "can do partner " agency. As a direct extension of your business we are committed to making sure your field campaigns run in a manner consistent with program guidelines.
In addition to offering turn-key promotional staffing management, we have a long history in "partnering" with agencies to assist in the strategic development and execution of national programming.
Throughout the years, we have contracted directly with some of the brightest agencies in the country to assist in areas of brand development, national programming, strategic planning, creative promotion and program management.
Traditional Programming or Guerrilla, we are committed to meeting your promotion needs. ​​​
Turn-key services offered in:​
Program Management​​​
trategic Planning​ S​
Territory Management​
Special Event Management​
Trade Show Representation​​
Ambassador Talent​
Sports / Stadium Marketing ​
Product Sampling​
​On-Premise Retail ​Programming
Account Acquisition ​
Liquor Promotions ​​​
Guerrilla Street Teams... ​​​​​
Where We Work...
​Through the years, PromoStaffers has developed a trusted, diverse team of talented field marketing managers, promoters and brand ambassadors strategically located in major, and minor markets throughout the country.
With expert management and coordination our flexible talent will roll out your next field program to virtually any market, and venue - big or small, near or far...